Degree ceremony

Data 2024

Friday October 11 2024 - 8PM 

  • Master of Science in Business Administration (Commercial Management)
  • Master of Science in Business Administration (Taxation)
  • Master of Science in Business Administration (HRM and Organizational Management)
  • Master of Science in Complementary Studies in Business Economics (Business Economics)
  • Master-na master Data Science for Business

Saturday October 12 2024 - 09.30 a.m. 

  • Master of Science in Business Administration (Finance and Risk Management)
  • Master of Science in Business Administration (Management and IT)
  • Master of Science in Complementary Studies in Business Economics (Taxation )
  • Master of Science in Economics of Globalisation and European Integration

Saturday October 12 2024 - 1.30 p.m. 

  • Master of Science in Business Economics
  • Master of Science in Economics
  • Master of Science in Complementary Studies in Economics
  • Master-na-master Banking and finance
  • Master of Science in Teaching in Economics
  • PhD's (period October 2023 - September 2024)

Saturday October 12 2024 - 5.30 p.m. 

  • Master of Science in Public Administration and Management
  • Master of Science in Business Engineering

Master's gown and cap

All students have the opportunity to wear a master's gown during the ceremony, a long-established tradition at graduation ceremonies at many universities all over the world. Alle master's gown will be lent free of charge during the duration of the ceremony. You can collect your gown and corresponding stole and cap at the lending counter in the 'Ufo' in the hour before the start of the proclamation. Your identity card will count as a deposit. The cap is given to you by the university. More information will follow in an email.


Ufo-building, Ghent University, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 33, 9000 Gent.


You need to register to attend the degree ceremony. You can bring along maximum 3 guests for the degree ceremony.


    After your degree ceremony you can find the photos of 2024 and the years before in our online photo album.
