Master's dissertations

Ufora course site

On the Ufora course site 'Masterproeven FEB/Master's dissertations FEB' you can find a detailed manual with information about:

  • deadlines
  • how to apply for a subject
  • how to apply for the defence
  • etc.

Make sure to read this manual carefully!

Choosing a subject and supervisor

Choosing a subject

You can suggest a subject: Need inspiration? Delve into previous master’s dissertations (do not select language), explore the faculty’s areas of research and publications (Department - research – staff), check the courses.

Or you can choose from a list. As soon you have a UGent account you can search in the subject list. The subject list will be updated in July.

Contact the supervisor (beginning of October)

If you are interested in a subject, contact the supervisor to check whether your expectations regarding the research are in line with the supervisor’s.

Be prepared:  read through a couple of key works and/or scientific articles; think of relevant research questions (based on texts you have read),….  A good preparation increases the odds of the supervisor approving a subject.

Register a subject (before 25 October)

If you agree on a subject with a supervisor you apply for the subject in the subject list via the button ‘Apply for subject’.

Duo master's dissertation

Students may write a master’s dissertation in pairs. The subject list states which subjects are suited for writing in pairs in the column “Duothesis” –possible or obligatory.

A duo master’s dissertation is only allowed if:

  • both students are following a programme of the same study duration
  • the master’s dissertation comprises the same amount of credits in the programme
  • both students defend their master’s dissertation in the same examination period
  • the supervisor agrees


A supervisor is a lecturer at the faculty of Economics and Business Administration or a lecturer at another faculty who teaches one of the courses at the faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Supervisors may be assisted by tutors.

A great deal of independence is expected for writing the master’s dissertation. A supervisor or tutor does not tell you what to do, contact you, provide material for you, read excerpts in detail, manage your planning, … 

It is the student’s responsibility to keep in regular contact with the supervisor (and tutor). You are entitled to at least three appointments with your supervisor:

  1. meeting with the supervisor in which you reach an agreement on the master’s dissertation’s title (in October)
  2. interim reporting and feedback. Ask your supervisor what he/she expects (in March)
  3. a meeting prompted by text excerpts you have submitted, research results you wish to present, …

Discuss the (mutual) expectations regarding the master’s dissertation’s process and result with your supervisor after reading the minimal responsibilities and expectations regarding the supervisor and student.

Application for the dissertation defence

If you want to defend your master’s dissertation in June or September in the current academic year: go to Plato,  click on ‘My Master’s Dissertation’ and ‘Apply for dissertation defence’. Specific deadline: see UFORA course Master’s dissertations EB (access with UGent account).

If you are able to graduate in January (only courses and master’s dissertation in semester 1), you can also apply for defence in January at the beginning of December.

The complete procedure for subject registration, finding a promotor, deadlines, ... is described on Ufora in the course called ‘MASTER’S DISSERTATIONS FEB'.

Submitting the master's dissertation

The master’s dissertation must be submitted online and-  if requested -on paper before the programme’s deadline passes.

  • Second-term examination period: in the first week of June
  • Resit examination period: in mid-August

You can find the specific deadlines and procedure on the UFORA course Master’s dissertations FEB.  (only access with UGent account)


The master’s dissertation course will be assessed based on the following components:

  • written report (process evaluation included): 15/20 (75%)
  • presentation and oral defence: 5/20 (25%)

 The assessment criteria are described in the master’s dissertation assessment form.

Presentation and oral defence

The defences are organised in the following periods:

  • First-term examination period: at the end of January/ the beginning of February.
  • Second-term examination period: in the last week of June
  • Resit examination period: in the first week of September.


The presentation and oral defence last half an hour (in case duo : 45 minutes):

  • 10 minutes presentation
  • 15 to 20 minutes defence (duo: each student 15 minutes)

More information


  • The supervisor can be contacted for questions, comments or problems concerning the master’s dissertation.
  • Practical questions may be directed to the faculty student administration via
  • Questions concerning the site EB_Masterproeven may be directed to the Office of Education Quality Assurance (
  • In exceptional circumstances (problems with the availability or supervision of your supervisor, ...) an  ombudsperson can be contacted