General information about Research at the faculty
Faculty Research Policy
- Faculty Research Policy Plan (intranet)
Faculty Research Events
- Ghent University Funding Academy (intranet)
- We support the Ghent University Funding Academy. Several professors are willing to share their experiences regarding specific funding opportunities. The Funding Academy related activities at our faculty are:
- Faculty Research Day
- Research Seminars
- Short Sessions on Hot Topics (SSHT)
- Brown Bag Seminars (intranet)
- Mock Interview Sessions (intranet)
Ethics and Integrity
- UGent Research Ethics (intranet)
- FEB Code of Ethics (EN) / FEB Ethische code (NL) (intranet)
- Application for ethics approval (intranet)
- FEB Authorship Guidelines (EN) / FEB Auteurschap richtlijnen (NL) (intranet)
- Policy on authorship and recognition of contributions to scholarly publishing (EN) / Beleid inzake auteurschap en het erkennen van bijdrages in wetenschappelijk publiceren (NL) (codex)
- Policy on scholarly publishing (EN) / Beleid wetenschappelijk publiceren (NL) (codex)
- FEB Ethical Commission (NL)
Research Data Management
- UGent Research Data Management (RDM) (university policy information page)
- Research Data Management Support: contact the Data Steward for Social and Behavioral Sciences: Ziad Choueiki
Research Funding
- Funding Opportunities (university landing page)
- Ghent University Funding Academy (intranet)
UGent Liaisons
- EU Team: contact the EU Account Manager for Social Sciences & Humanities: Tobias Hermans
- Industrial Research Fund (IOF): contact the IOF Liaison Officer for Social Sciences & Humanities: Zoë Imhof
Faculty Research Funding
- Faculty policy and regulations on mobility and sabbatical fund / Facultair beleid en reglement facultair mobiliteits- en sabbaticalfonds (NL) (codex)
- Faculty policy on research sabbaticals / Facultair beleid voor onderzoekssabbaticals (NL) (intranet)
- Faculty regulations on grants for summer schools or doctoral seminar / Facultair reglement betoelaging deelname aan summer school of doctoral seminar (NL) (intranet)
Procedures and Forms:
- participation in a conference abroad (procedure - form) (intranet)
- short stay abroad (procedure - form) (intranet)
- participation in a doctoral seminar or summer school (procedure - form) (intranet)
- organisation of a seminar (procedure - form) (intranet)
- stay of a foreign post-doctoral researcher (form) (intranet)
- research sabbatical (form) (intranet)
Additional Information
- Presentation about Faculty Grants for doctoral researchers (EN) (intranet)
Faculty Research Software
- Faculty Research Software Licenses (intranet)
Research Output
- PhDs (intranet)
- Publications (intranet)
- Project applications (intranet)
- Information for PhD students
- Doctoral Regulations of the Faculty (EN) / Facultair Doctoraatsreglement (NL) (codex)
Research Team
- Vice Dean Research: Carine Smolders
- Research Policy Coordination: Damien Decorte & Pieter Blondeel
- Scientific Research Committee
- Departmental Research Coordinators:
- EB21: Gerdie Everaert
- EB22: Heidi Vander Bauwhede
- EB23: Maggie Geuens
- EB24: Geert Poels
- EB25: Ellen Wayenberg
UGent Liaisons
- EU Team: contact the EU Account Manager for Social Sciences & Humanities: Tobias Hermans
- Industrial Research Fund (IOF): contact the IOF Liaison Officer for Social Sciences & Humanities: Zoë Imhof
- Research Data Management Support: contact the Data Steward for Social and Behavioral Sciences: Ziad Choueiki