HRM and Organisational Behaviour
The research group HRM and Organisational behaviour wants to understand how HRM and organisational management have an impact on organisational behaviour as well as on individual and organizational performance. There is more specifically attention for the recruitment, well-being, employability and performances of employees. Variables on different levels such as the organization, managers and employees are taken into account. Insights into these mechanisms are useful for the HRM practice and organizational development, but also for the team managers and leaders.
mail the research group
Prof. dr. Mieke Audenaert
Prof. dr. Dirk Buyens
Prof.dr. Saskia Crucke
Prof. dr. Adelien Decramer
Prof. dr. Sebastian Desmidt
Prof. dr. Malgorzate Kozusznik
Prof. dr. Kenn Meyfroodt
Prof dr. Eveline Schollaert
Prof. dr. Greet Van Hoye
Visiting Professors
Prof. dr. Smaranda Boroş
Prof. dr. Bernd Carette
Prof. dr. Stan De Spiegelaere
Prof. dr. Koen Dewettinck
Prof dr. Lynn Shore
Prof dr. Beatrice van der Heijden
Post-Doctoral Assistant
Dr. Jolien Muylaert
Lucas Dierickx
Emma Lippens
Shana Mertens
Shaldeen Somers
Louise Surdiacourt
Willemijn Gils
Lara Van de Sande
Scientific Staff
Vincent Goossens
Marie Servaes
Dr. Evy Van Lancker
Isabeau van Strydonck
An Verstraete
Postdoctoral Fellows
PhD Students
Majid Ali
Hanne Carnoy
Sarah De Smet
Femke Eeckhoudt
Triana Fitriastuti
Kabelo Gildenhuys
Rolean Godfrey
Julie Haspeslagh
Monica Inez
Bayan Khalifa
Sebastian Klein
Delia Mensitieri
Thi Phuong Anh Nguyen
Huong Nguyen Thi Thu
Marthe Rys
Affiliated Researchers
Voluntary Staff Members
Em. Prof. dr. Aimé Heene
Dr. Hira Kanwal
Recent publications