PhD Jolien Muylaert
Congratulations “dr.” Jolien Muylaert and supervisors Prof. dr. Adelien Decramer and Prof. dr. Mieke Audenaert!
Jolien successfully defended her PhD “Drowning in Red Tape : How and When Does Job-Related Red Tape Affect Employees’ Attitudes and Behaviors?” on Wednesday, 30 August 2023.
Some of her published work:
• How Leader’s Red Tape Interacts With Employees’ Red Tape From the Lens of the Job Demands-Resources Model - Jolien Muylaert, Adelien Decramer, Mieke Audenaert, 2023 (
• Frontiers | Reducing Red Tape’s Negative Consequences for Leaders: The Buffering Role of Autonomous Motivation (
• Teachers’ acceptance and use of digital learning environments after hours: Implications for work-life balance and the role of integration preference - Science Direct
Also excited to announce that Jolien will stay longer with the HRM & OB research cluster as a postdoctoral research fellow (Special Research Fund).