Residence Eddies-Vesalius

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Address: Keramiekstraat 80A - B-9000 Gent
A residence is not a home. Scan & compare the characteristics of the different living units and the internal rules and regulations.

Important to know: the landlord also offers living units through their own website.
Please note, however, that when applying through Oasis our rental fee applies. This includes the actual rental fee, provision and deposit.

Types of living units

This location has one type of living units available.

In addition, there are also communcal facilities in the building.

Properties of the rooms

  • Area: 10 m²
  • Furnished (bed, wardrobe, desk)
  • Wash basin, mirror, shelf under mirror and towel rack are provided.

Every room is unique in area and furnishing. A fold-down bed, desk, shelves and wardrobe are provided.

  • Dimensions desk: 0,56 * 2,46m
  • Dimensions cupboards: 0,3 * 2,5m (twice) and 0,4 * 2,5m (once)
  • Dimensions bed: 0,9 x 2m (distance between down-folded bed and opposite wall is 1,5m)
  • Dimensions wardrobe: 1,05 * 0,5 * 2m
Attention: every student needs to provide their own matress, curtains and any other furniture.

For curtains, a rail with hooks is provided in the room (rail length: 245 cm), although it is recommended to choose two curtains of 2 * 133 cm.

  • Height 140 cm if up to windowsill
  • Height 148 cm if up to desktop
  • Height 146 cm is recommended by students
Toilet paper needs to be provided by the resident.

Properties of the building

  • The building is 7 floors high, 6 floors (2 to 7) with 2 wings with 25 rooms each, 5 showers and 5 toilets
  • 6 kitchens, 6 dining areas with tables and chairs, 6 (differently furnished) relaxation areas with seats, ping-pong table or other sports or games equipment.
  • Not only UGent students in the building
  • Shared showers, toilets and kitchen(s) on each floor
  • Student restaurant in the building (with full discount for residents, like college students pay)
  • Hallway managers who can reach the Student coach 24/7 in case of problems

Each shared kitchen is equipped with several shared refrigerators, freezers, microwave ovens, convection ovens and two hotplates each. In the shared refrigerator, you pack your food well and also give your room number. You also have a kitchen cupboard, where you can store your kitchen utensils.

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