Defence debate

For whom
Students , Employees , Press
27-05-2024 from 17:30 to 20:30
International Convention Center (ICC), Familie van Rysselberghedreef 2, 9000 Gent

On Monday, May 27th, all Flemish parties will engage in a debate about the war in Ukraine and our defence and foreign policy.

Ukraine requires enduring support from its allies, while the upcoming Belgian government has crucial decisions to make about its defence policy. It's important for voters to understand where each political party stands on these critical matters.

The upcoming event, "The Great Election Debate: War in Ukraine and Defence Policy," offers a chance to explore these topics. Scheduled for a week before the elections, it will bring together key representatives from seven Flemish political parties to debate issues like NATO, defence spending, backing Ukraine, and EU collaboration.

The participants for the debate are:

  • Alexander De Croo(Open Vld)
  • Caroline Gennez (Vooruit)
  • Theo Francken (N-VA)
  • Gerolf Annemans (Vlaams Belang)
  • Koen Geens (CD&V)
  • Bogdan Vanden Berghe (Groen)
  • Marc Botenga (PVDA)

This debate is organized by Ghent Institute of European and International Studies with support of the Eureast Platform.

The debate will be conducted in Dutch.

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