Rewatch the Ghent University Election Debate on Defence Policy

(03-06-2024) The debate, that was organized by the Faculty of Political and Social Studies, Ghent Institute for International and European Studies with the support of the Eureast Platform was streamed live on Kanaal Z.

On Monday, the 27th of May the Ghent University hosted an election debate on the topic of defence policy and the ongoing Russian war against Ukraine. All major Flemish political parties were represented. Participants were Theo Francken (N-VA), Bruno Tobback (Vooruit), Gerolf Annemans (Vlaams Belang), Jasper Pillen (Open Vld), Koen Geens (CD&V), Bogdan Vanden Berghe (Groen) en Marc Botenga (PVDA).

Rewatch the debate.