Prof. Kaat Durinck


Campus UZ, C. Heymanslaan 10, MRB1 (entrance 34), 9000 Ghent

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  • 2021 - present: Professor - Ghent University
  • 2016 - 2021: Postdoc - Ghent University
  • 2016: PhD - Ghent University
  • 2010: Master Biochemistry and Biotechnology - Ghent University

Fun fact

In her free time, Kaat loves playing the piano.

Member of

Research tracks


  • Technology driven research on pediatric cancer entities
  • Integration of genomics and proteomics
  • Assemble the power of multiple model systems guided by the expertise of (inter)national teams
  • Translation of research findings to related cancer entities
  • Combine targeted drugging options with immunomodulators and reorient towards novel therapeutic strategies such as targeted protein degradation with the design of a new generation of cancer drugs (e.g. PROTACs)


Key publications

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