Host-Bacteria Proteomics Lab
With increasing antibiotic resistance, bacterial infections remain an important threat to human health. To identify novel targets for therapeutic intervention our group investigates host-bacteria interactions by innovative mass spectrometry (MS)-based approaches. Using Listeria monocytogenes as an intracellular bacterial model pathogen, we focus on the analysis of ubiquitin-like protein modifications of the immune system and the MS-based identification of novel bacterial antigens. In 2023 the group was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant to investigate rare diseases triggered by infection.
- Bacterial infection
- Proteomics
- Mass spectrometry
- ISG15
- Moyamoya disease
Current projects
- ISG15 research: ISG15 is a ubiquitin-like protein that is well known to counteract viral and bacterial infections, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly understood. We develop novel proteomics-based strategies to identify target proteins and conjugation sites of ISG15 that will help to further elucidate the role of ISGylation in the host defense against infection.
- Immunopeptidomics research: we develop robust pipelines for the LC-MS/MS identification of antigenic peptides presented on infected cells, a technology called immunopeptidomics. Newly identified epitopes and antigens are encoded in novel bacterial mRNA vaccine formulations.
- Moyamoya research: we aim to solve the unknown etiology of a mysterious cerebrovascular disease called Moyamoya. Genetic mutations in ring finger protein 213 (RNF213) are a major risk factor for Moyamoya. Intriguingly, our group discovered RNF213 as an ISG15 sensor and novel antibacterial protein, strongly suggesting a role for the immune response to infection in the development of Moyamoya.
Intracellular lipid droplets and Listeria surrounded by RNF213, a newly discovered sensor for ISG15.
(image from Nature Communications, taken by Radoshevich lab, University of Iowa Health Care, USA)
- Fabien Thery - postdoc
- Laura Van Moortel - postdoc
- Patrick Willems - postdoc
- Margaux De Meyer - postdoc
- Lyudmila Kovalchuke - postdoc
- Katie Boucher - lab manager
- Denzel Eggermont - PhD student
- Caroline Asselman - PhD student
- Adillah Gul - PhD student
- Jozefien Meersschaut, MD - PhD student
- Maxine Vergucht - PhD student
- Marthe De Boeck - PhD student
- Annelore Vandendriessche, MD - PhD student
More information
- Visit the lab page on the VIB-UGent Center for Medical Biotechnology website
- Follow the lab on X (Twitter)