
Students considering coming to Ghent University for an exchange within our Medicine programme are only eligible if

  • there is a formal exchange agreement with our university and your home university for the programme of Medicine
  • you meet the requirements and respect the deadlines for application (cf. infra).

Before you start planning your exchange to Ghent University, contact your home university to find out if there is an exchange agreement and what the procedure is for you to get nominated to go on exchange to Ghent University. Please note that we don't accept Erasmus+ traineeship students who are neither selected, nor nominated by their home university.

For more information, please consult our fact sheet  for incoming students.



All our theoretical courses are taught in Dutch. Therefore we seldom accept foreign students for our theoretical programme (except if you have a B2 level of Dutch). This means that exchange students are mainly registered for clinical rotations at our hospital (3 to 6 months).


You can choose to come to Ghent in either the autumn semester, the spring semester or during the summer months July/August. Please note that internship spots between January-April are unavailable due to the large number of Ghent university medical students performing traineeships during these months.


All applicants must be in their Master’s level (4th, 5th or 6th year) and speak and write English at least at B2 level. We don’t require our applicants to submit a language certificate. However, a videocall may be planned before the start of the traineeship to assess the applicant’s language level. We are convinced that it is necessary for a student to be able to communicate properly with patients and his or her mentor. Therefore a student with insufficient fluency in spoken English will not be allowed to start or complete his/her internship.

We strongly recommend, though not impose, a Dutch A1 or A2 level as this will facilitate the communication with patients at the wards.

Practical information

Deadlines for application

  • Autumn semester: 15 March (clinical rotations) or 15 May (courses only)
  • Spring semester and summer months: 15 November

More information for exchange students as well as the application procedure can be found on the international pages of Ghent University.

Our faculty is not involved in the allocation process of accommodation at the halls of residence. All inquiries concerning housing have to be addressed directly to our housing office.

Please make sure you arrive a few working days prior to the start of your internship to arrange all the Erasmus paperwork at the faculty and to collect your student card at the Student Registration Desk of Ghent University (take your Letter of Invitation with you).


  • When do the semesters start?

The academic year is divided into two semesters. The autumn semester begins in September. The spring semester begins in February. Here you can find the academic calendar. For clinical rotations, you are welcome in the period September-December (first semester) or end of April-August (second semester).

  • When do I receive my Letter of Invitation?

The processing of your application usually takes two months. All applications are processed after the application deadline. You may expect your Letter of Invitation after the admission process has been finished. Your application first has to be assessed by the relevant departments at the hospital, which takes some time.

  • What do I have to do after my arrival in Ghent?

We strongly recommend you arrive in Ghent a few days before the start of your first internship. Please come to the International Office of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences to take care of the administrative formalities or make an online appointment by e-mail (videocall). You also need to enrol to obtain a student card. Please find the guidelines on how to do so in the digital Welcome Guide

  • What do I need to take care of when leaving Ghent?

Before your internship you will receive our evaluation form template. You are required to bring your evaluation forms (one per internship you have been doing) to the International Office at the faculty at the end of your stay.  You can also send them by e-mail to, or have them sent by the contact person of the hospital department. Students are responsible for delivering the evaluation forms to us so we can draw up the transcript of records.  Your transcript of records cannot be issued if we have not received the evaluation forms.

  • How do I get in contact with other exchange students?

The central International Office organises Welcome days for incoming students which take place at the beginning of each semester. This is the perfect opportunity for you to meet other exchange students. Also, students at our faculty organise a buddy programme. Shortly after you have been accepted as an incoming student, you will be contacted by your buddy!

  • Where can I find more general information about an exchange at Ghent University?

You can find more information on the website of our central International Office. Here you can also download the digital Welcome Guide.


Ms. Elien Rottiers
Ghent University – Campus UZ Gent
Corneel Heymanslaan 10 - Entrance 42 - Building K3 (3rd floor) - room 024
9000 Gent