Faculty Research Training Program

The Faculty Research Training Program is a one-stop-shop for training courses that help researchers to acquire basic knowledge and skills essential for research in Medicine and Health Sciences. 


  • For whom? For all students, (post)doctoral researchers and academic staff of the faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
  • How does it work?
    • The program is broken down into training modules linked to a specific stage in the research process.
    • Each module includes plenary and hands-on training courses organised by research services associated with the faculty such as the Knowledge Centre for Health Ghent (KCGG), Biostatistics Unit, Health, innovation and research institute UZ Gent (HIRUZ), CORE Facilities, Human Body Materials Service (Biobank), Faculty Ethics Committee for Animal Experiments, Medical Ethics Committee Ghent University Hospital, Open Science Team of Ghent University, Faculty Societal Outreach Committee (CMO), Faculty Doctoral Committee (FDOC), Faculty Scientific Research Committee (CWO). 
    • The focus is on teaching basic knowledge and skills. To acquire a more advanced level, each module also refers to additional training offerings.
    • All training courses our non-binding, depending on individual needs and interests, and taught in a recurring manner.
    • Choose which course(s) you want to follow by clicking on the modules below.


The program will be updated monthly.

Plan and design research

Secure funding

Experiment and analyse

Write and publish

Share, disseminate and apply

Develop your career

Integrity, ethics & law

Maintain your own professional integrity and adhere to ethical norms and laws in (bio)medical research.

Grant proposal writing

Apply storytelling techniques to increase the overall quality of your written grant application.


Analyse your own (bio)medical data using appropriate statistical methods and interpret the results.

Academic writing

Develop writing skills for scientific journals.

Science communication with peers

Learn how to make your research more visible and accesible to the scientific community.

Your PhD journey

Learn about support options and best practices to maximize your chance of PhD success.

Research Data Management (RDM)

Understand the benefits of managing research data effectively and learn best practices to organise, store, archive, check and share your (bio)medical data

Support tracks with research applications

Follow the faculty support tracks for specific funding channels to develop a high  quality grant application

Core Facilities / Biobank

Get acquainted and correctly use the research infrastructure of various CORE Facilities / Biobank

Publication strategy

Understand editorial processes and learn best practices for submitting a (bio)medical scientific paper

Societal outreach

Learn how to communicate your research to the broad audience in an effective, compelling and memorable way

Resilience for researchers

Learn strategies to lower your stress level and increase your resilience

Search strategy (incl. systematic review)

Learn more about different types of reviews and discover which tools you can implement to facilitate the (systematic) review process

Artificial Intelligence

Learn essential AI knowledge and skills for application in (bio)medical research

Data visualization

Turn complex scientific research data into clear and attractive visuals

Innovation & valorisation

Learn how to translate inventions and scientific results into applications that benefit society

Scientific databases

Learn basic skills and tips on searching various databases for (bio)medical sciences

Citizen Science

Understand the benefits of involvement of non-professional researchers (e.g. citizens, patients) in the scientific process and learn best practices

Evidence-based guidelines

Learn how to draft an evidence-based guideline for clinical practice



Contact Charlotte Crokaerts