Core ARTH Animal Facilities

The Core ARTH Animal Facilities, a recognised facility of UGent, provides advanced infrastructure, services and expertise for conducting preclinical (bio)medical (laboratory animal) research.

It is an initiative of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, and is coordinated by a core team led by prof. Robrecht Raedt.


Infrastructure, services and expertise

  • Housing and care of laboratory animals before and during the experimental phase (including continuous veterinary supervision)
    • Open cage housing
    • Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) housing and experimental facilities
    • Biosecurity class AII and AIII housing and experimental facilities
    • Gnotobiotic housing (i.c.w. GermFree Facility)
  • Anaesthesia
  • Sample collection, processing and storage
  • Semen freezing
  • Irradiation
  • In-vivo imaging (i.s.m. Core ARTH Infinity)
  • Histological examination (i.s.m. Core ARTH Histology)
  • Behavioural experiments

Terms of use

1. Come along first for an intake interview.

2. Follow a (basic) training.

  • The Core ARTH Animal Facilities facilitates the necessary training and facilitates obtaining the necessary certificates.

3. For animal experiments, apply for approval from the Animal Experiments Ethics Committee.

4. Reserve the use of laboratory animals through the Anibio platform.

  • The reservation of laboratory animals is done via the Anibio platform on Athena. You will get more info on this during the intake interview.

5. Pay a usage fee.

  • Use of the Core Facility is possible against payment. Provide a cost centre for the user fee within your project application. Check the rates here.

6. Follow the agreement framework of the Core Facilities.

7. Mention the Core Facility in your scientific output.
