Core Flow Cytometry

The Core Flow Cytometry, a recognised facility at UGent, provides advanced flow cytometry infrastructure, services and expertise in multidimensional cell analysis and cell sorting.

This is a joint initiative of the faculties of Medicine and Health Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, and is coordinated by a core team led by prof. Tom Taghon.

CORE Flowcytometry

Infrastructure, services and expertise

Equipment for basic cell analysis

*Experiments with 8 or fewer colours perform on the BD Fortessa (3 laser) or on the BD LSR II instruments.

Equipment for advanced cell analysis

**Experiments with more than 8 colours are best performed on the BD Fortessa X-20 or the BD FACSymphony A3.

Cell sorting equipment

Terms of use

1. Follow a (basic) training course.

  • Basic training 'How to set up a basic analytical Flow Cytometry experiment' to learn the basics of flow cytometry and perform a basic experiment.
  • Basic training 'How to prepare a sample for cell sorting.' to learn how to prepare a sample for cell sorting and what to pay attention to in order to obtain a properly sorted sample, such as quality and purity.
  • 'Core Flow Cytometry Advanced' training to learn more advanced skills in Flow cytometry. Such training can also be obtained through intervention of the device manufacturer/supplier.
  • All training courses are part of the Faculty Research Training Programme, module: Core Facilities. Based on enrollments, several sessions per year will be organised in MRB II - Core Flow Cytometry. Register here.

2. Reserve your use at least 7 working days in advance via the Core Facility Management Software platform (CFMS platform).

  • Make your reservation for an instrument, service or product via the CFMS platform. See how to make your reservation here.
  • Although the Core Facility staff will perform the cell sorting for you, your presence during the experiment is required to ensure it runs according to your wishes and expectations.

3. Pay a usage fee.

  • Use of the Core Facility is possible for a fee. Provide a cost centre for the usage fee within your project application. Check the rates here.

4. Follow the usage procedure for your equipment and the Core Facilities' agreement framework.

5. Mention the Core Facility in your scientific output.
