Core Zebrafish Facility Ghent

The Core Zebrafish Facility Ghent (ZFG), a recognised facility of UGent, makes zebrafish (Danio rerio) available as vertebrate model organisms for modelling human diseases, toxicological studies, screening of biological compounds and fundamental research of biological mechanisms.

This is an initiative of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, and is coordinated by a core team led by prof. Paul Coucke.

Core Zebrafisch Facility Ghent

Infrastructure, services and expertise

The facility is equipped to house zebrafish and set up zebrafish experiments such as:

  • Breeding programmes for zebrafish
  • Housing for zebrafish in experiment
  • Direct delivery of different stages from embryos to adult zebrafish
  • Basic molecular techniques (including genotyping, transgenesis, in situ hybridisation, microscopy)
  • Cryopreservation of sperm, in vitro fertilisation and biobanking
  • Customised projects:
    • Behavioural and mobility studies in adult zebrafish
    • Creation of CRISPR mutants, morphants and transgenic lines
    • Toxicity testing and compound screening

Terms of use

1. Come along first for an intake interview.

  • Register on the CFMS platform. You will then be invited for an intake interview. Together we will build your customised experiment. See how to register here.

2. Reserve your use at least 7 working days in advance via the Core Facility Management Software platform (CFMS platform).

  • Make your reservation for a tool, service or product via the CFMS platform. See how to make your reservation here.
  • Keep in mind that the reservation cost is already 75% of the total cost. So plan your reservation carefully.

3. Pay a usage fee.

  • Use of the Core Facility is possible for a fee. Provide a cost centre for the user fee within your project application. Check the rates here.

4. Follow the agreement framework of the Core Facilities.

5. Mention the Core Facility in your scientific output.
