Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine

The department provides research at two levels. The basic experimental part focuses on cardiac physiology, electrophysiology, and pharmacology in an experimental animal model. The applied clinical part focuses on human physiology and its application in designing strategies to improve perioperative outcome. Another part of the clinical research focuses on pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic models (closed loop) of anesthetic drugs. Finally, the department is heavily involved in international multicenter studies on perioperative medicine.

Current Projects

Finalized Projects


Infrastructure and techniques

  • Hemodynamic Monitoring: Pressure Catheters, Transesopheal Echocardiography
  • Depth of Anesthesia Monitoring: BIS
  • Tissue Oxygen Saturation Monitoring
  • Blood Flow Measurement


Prof. Dr. Patrick Wouters, Chair of the Department of Fundamental and Applied Medical Sciences

Prof. Dr. Stefan De Hert, research coordinator

Prof. Dr. Luc De Baerdemaeker | Prof. Dr. Annelies Moerman | Prof. Dr. Marc Coppens | Prof. Dr. Michel Struys | Prof. Dr. Theo Meert

Dr. Jurgen van Limmen | Dr. Björn Heyse | Dr. Piet Wyffels | Dr. Caroline Vanpeteghem | Dr. Michael Van den Heuvel | Dr. Pieter Verslype | Dr. Martine Neckebroek | Dr. Aliaksandra Paraschanka

Dr. Jan Hendrickx


Stefan De Hert, cfr Research Explorer.