Confocal & multi-photon microscopes
Overview of confocal microscopes available at the expertise centre and their unique features:
Nikon A1R HD confocal & multiphoton microscope
Instrument specifications
- 4 lasers (405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 640 nm) (LU-N4 LASER UNIT 405/488/561/640, MHF45000)
- Galvoscanner and resonantscanner
- Perfect Focus System
- 4 detection channels (2 GaASP and 2PMT detectors) with choice of different emission filters
- A1 Filter Cube 450/50 (MHE57010)
- A1 Filter Cube 525/50 (MHE57030
- A1 Filter Cube 585/65 700/75 (MHE57070)
- 32-channel spectral detector unit
- Incubator with temperature regulation at the microscope level and CO2 at the cell culture level (okolab)
- Multi-photon laser (Mai Tai TI:SAPPHIRE laser, 690-1040 nm)
- Non-descanned detectors
- Objective lenses:
- 60X water objective with automated correction ring (SR plan apo IR 60X WI, NA 1.3, WD 180µm), MRD07602
- 60X oil (plan apo λ 60X oil, NA 1.4, WD 130 µm), MRD71600
- 40X air (plan apo λ 40X, NA 0.9, WD 250 µm), MRD00405
- 20X air (plan apo VC 20X, NA 0.8, WD 1000 µm), MRD70200
- Epi-fluorescence observation and detection:
- LED-DAPI-A Filter Cube, MXR00330
LED-FITC-A Filter Cube, MXR00332
LED-TRITC-A Filter Cube, MXR00335
LED-Cy5-A Filter Cube, MXR00333 - CoolLED pE-300 White MB, MXCL0025
- DS-Qi2 Mono Digital Microscope Camera, MQA17500
- LED-DAPI-A Filter Cube, MXR00330
- Brightfield and DIC
- FCS module (picoquant)
Contact us for more information
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Department of Pharmaceutics,
Ottergemsesteenweg 460,
B-9000, Ghent
Price category 4 (Multiphoton)
Nikon A1R confocal microscope
Instrument specifications
- 4 diode lasers (405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 639 nm)
- Galvoscanner and resonantscanner. Simultaneous use possible for photo-stimulation experiments (FRAP, FRET, ...)
- Piezo stage for fast and precise scanning in the z direction
- Perfect Focus System
- Simultaneous 4-channel PMT detection with choice of different emission filters
- filters for epifluorescence detection:
- empty
- Analyzer
- DAPI (Ex. 377/50, Em. 447/61)
- GFP (Ex. 472/30, Em. 520/35)
- TxRed (Ex. 562/40, Em. 642/40)
- YFP (Ex. 500/20, Em. 535/30)
- 32-channel spectral PMT detector, useful for spectral imaging
- 2 separated lasers for Controlled Light Exposure Microscopy
- Incubator with temperature regulation at the microscope level and CO2 at the cell culture level
- Objective lenses:
- 10X plan apo AIR dic N1(NA 0,45; WD 4; brightness 4,10) MRD70170
- 20X plan fluor AIR dic N2 (NA 0,5; WD 2,1; brightness 1,56) MRH00205
- 40X S plan fluor ELWD AIR (NA 0,6; WD 3,6-2,8; brightness 0,81) MRH08430
- 40X plan fluor OIL dic H/N2 (NA 1,3; WD 0.2; brightness 17,85) MRH01401
- 60X plan apo VC OIL dic N2 (NA 1,4; WD 0.130; brightness 10,67)
- 60X plan apo VC H2O dic N2 (NA 1,2; WD 0,31-0,28; brightness 5,76) MRD07602
Contact us for more information
Faculty Bioscience Engineering,
Vakgroep Biotechnologie, BW25
Campus Proeftuin, Gebouw N1, Lokaal
B-9000, Ghent
Leica TCS-SP8 confocal microscope
Instrument specifications
- White light laser (470 – 670 nm), up to 8 freely tunable laser lines and 2 UV Laser lines (355 nm, 405 nm)
- 2 HyD (sensitive detection) and 2 PMT detectors
- Flexible tuning of emission bands via acousto-optical beam splitter (AOBS)
- Objectives:
- HC FLUOTAR L 25x/0,95 W VISIR (#506375)
- HC PL APO 40x/1,30 OIL PH3 CS2 (#506359)
- HC PL APO 63x1,2 W CORR UVIS CS2 (#506355)
- Possibility of spectral imaging, (UV) photo-stimulation and resonant scanner
- Live cell imaging: Temperature and CO2 incubator
Contact us for more information
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,
Department of Basic Medical Sciences,
C. Heymanslaan 10, Building The CORE, 3th floor
B-9000, Ghent
Leica Stellaris 8 Falcon FLIM microscope
Instrument specifications
- FALCON: FLIM image acquisition, processing and analysis
- Objectives:
- HC PL APO 10x/0.40 CS2
- HC FLUOTAR L 25x/0,95 W VISIR (with automated water dispenser)
- HC PL APO 40x/1.25 GLYC CORR CS2
- HC PL APO 63x/1.40 OIL CS2
- Excitation:
- White light laser (440 – 790 nm), up to 8 freely tunable laser lines
- 405 pulsed + CW laser
- Pulse picker (Pulse frequency 78, 39, 20, 10, 5, 2.5MHz)
- Detectors:
- pos 2: HyD X > 46% @ 500 nm, 410-750 nm, digital and counting
- pos 3: HyD S > 58% @ 500 nm, 410 – 850 nm, analog and counting
- pos 4: HyD X > 46% @ 500 nm, 410-750 nm, digital and counting
- pos 5: HyD R> 26% @ 635 nm, 410-830 nm, digital and counting (enhanced detection efficiency in NIR)
- Spectral Detection: 410 – 850 nm, fully tunable emission bands
- Galvano and 8kHz Resonant scanner
- Live cell imaging: Temperature and CO2 incubator
- sample holders:
- universal insert (standard Ibidi or glass slides, 35 mm dishes (glass bottom)
- insert for 96 well plate
- DMi8 CS body with:
- auto focus correction (AFC)
- automated scanning stage
- filtercubes for epifluorescence observation (DAPI, FITC, RHOD)
- LAS X STELLARIS Control Software with 3D visualisation and navigator
- Lightning (for deconvolution) an DSE Dynamic Signal Enhancement (rolling averaging for fast acquisition)
Contact us for more information
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,
Department of Human structure and repair,
Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials Group
C. Heymanslaan 10, Building The CORE, 1st floor (animal facility)
B-9000, Ghent
The pricing is subject to the grant used to acquire the instrument. Contact us for more information.
Zeiss LSM900 (G-FaST group)
Instrument specifications
- Objectives:
Fluar 5x/0.25 WD=12.5 M27
Plan-Neofluar 20x/0.50
Plan-Apochromat 40x/1.3 Oil DIC UVVIS-IR (oil: Zeiss, Immersol 518F, cat. nr. 444960-0000-000)
Plan-Apochromat 63x/1.40 Oil DIC (oil: Zeiss, Immersol 518F, cat. nr. 444960-0000-000)
- Excitation:
- Diode laser 405nm, 5mW
- Diode laser 488nm, 10mW
- Diode laser (SHG) 561nm, 10mW
- Diode laser 640nm, 5mW
- Detectors:
- 2 Multi Alkali PMT's
- Spectral Detection:tunable emission bands
- Axio Observer 7 stand for LSM 900:
- Transmitted Light DIC
- motorized scanning stage
- filtercubes for epifluorescence observation
- DAPI (Filterset 49 DAPI shift free)
- GFP (Filterset 38 Endow GFP Shift-free)
- Cy3 (Filterset 43 Cy3, d=25 shift free)
- Galvano scanner
- Live cell imaging: Temperature and CO2 incubator
- sample holders:
- universal insert (standard Ibidi or glass slides, 35 mm dishes (glass bottom)
- insert for 96 well plate
- Zen Blue & Black Software
Contact us for more information
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,
Department of Human structure and repair,
Ghent Fertility and Stem Cell Team (G-FaST)
C. Heymanslaan 10, Building The CORE, 1st floor (animal facility)
B-9000, Ghent