Sleep and snoring
Background and research focus
The department of otorhinolaryngology and the department of head and neck surgery have built up clinical expertise in sleep and snoring disorders in collaboration with the Ghent University Sleep Clinic.
This collaboration and years of experience (since 2001) created a platform that efficiently can be engaged when called upon for national and international research.
Research focus
- Nasal disorders and snoring
- Nasal disorders and CPAP intolerance
- Output surgery in sleepdisordered breathing
- Laryngeal surgery (supraglottoplasty) for sleep-disordered breathing
- Transoral robotic surgery for sleed-disordered breathing
Professors and Guest Professors
Sofie Claeys (contact person)
Technical staff
Frederick Dochy (Ghent University Hospital)
National and international collaborations
Prof. dr. O. Vanderveken (UZA)