Early detection of pregnancy complications
Within this line of research, the 'Obstetrics Research Group' aims to presymptomatically detect pregnancy complications through a maternal blood draw, preferably in the first trimester, with the ultimate goal of establishing preventive measures.
Research project
ExPECT: Early PrEgnancy Complication Testing
Detection of cfDNA patterns associated with pregnancy complications, in particular placental insufficiency.
- researchers: Björn Menten, Isabelle Dehaene, Machteld Baetens, Kristien Roelens, Eline Meireson
Collaboration with the Centre for Medical Genetics (CMGG): Björn Menten, Machteld Baetens
Isabelle Dehaene, Deputy Head Women's Clinic, PhD student
+32 9 332 20 43
Björn Menten, Centre for Medical Genetics