Reconstructive urological research

Within this line of research, the 'Urology Research Group' focuses on scientific research concerning transgender surgery and urethral surgery. The data of all operations are prospectively registered in a secured database. Randomized studies for specific subjects are ongoing.

Research projects


This project concerns the prospective follow-up of patients who undergo surgery on the urethra. This is done through clinical-technical examinations as well as through validated questionnaires before and after the operation. In this way it is possible to investigate the impact of such operations on the patient's life.



This project is a randomized study comparing 2 commonly used surgical techniques of anastomotic recovery of the urethra. With both techniques, the diseased piece of the urethra is removed and the healthy ends are re-attached to each other. Afterwards the patient is followed through questionnaires as well as a urethroscopy in which it is checked whether a new urethra narrowing has occurred.



This project is a randomized study in which 2 commonly used surgical techniques for repairing the urethra with a free flap are compared with each other. With both techniques the urethra is widened by a piece of mucous membrane. Afterwards the patient is followed through questionnaires as well as a urethroscopy in which it is checked whether a new urethra narrowing has occurred.



This project concerns the prospective follow-up of trans men where a Zephyr erection prosthesis is implanted.


This study investigates whether patients fare better during urethra surgery in two stages if the urethra is widened with a piece of the mucous membrane in the first or second time.


Sebbin Study

This project concerns the prospective follow-up of patients who have had a testicular prosthesis implanted for various reasons (gender confirmatory surgery, after removal of testicular cancer, undescended testicle, traumatic or infectious loss of a testicle). This is done through clinical follow-up as well as through partly validated and partly non-validated questionnaires. The aim of this study is to investigate on the one hand the postoperative complications of this operation and how/in whom they arise. On the other hand, the impact of such an operation on the patient's life is evaluated.



This project concerns the prospective follow-up of patients undergoing genital gender-confirming surgery (phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, vaginoplasty, vulvoplasty) because of gender dysphoria. This is done by means of clinical-technical studies on the one hand and partly validated questionnaires on the other. The aim of this study is on the one hand to investigate how the sexual experience of these patients changes as a result of such operations. On the other hand, it is evaluated to what extent genital sensitivity in these patients is affected by these operations and what the impact is on sexual functioning.


This group collaborates closely with the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery department of the University Hospital Ghent.



  • Wesley Verla, resident in urology

+32 9 332 22 76

  • Céline Schelstraete, study coordinator

+32 9 332 22 76