Intensive Care Medicine
The department of Intensive Care focuses on outcome research in critically ill patiens.
Research Activities
Our Laboratory of Intensive Care Outcome Research group aims at enhancing, integrating and improving the knowledge and outcome research in the field of critically ill adult and pediatric patients via different approaches:
- Acquisition of qualitative data in combination with up-to-date data analyses
- Performing research on specific subgroups of patients at high risk of poor outcomes without appropriate management (sepsis, severe infection, acute kidney injury, severe respiratory failure, patients after cardiorespiratory arrest, patients with a underlying hematogical malignancy, old patients)
- Focus on the quality of care (antibiotics, dialysis, ECMO..) and the management (ethical decision-making) at the bedside
- Improving both survival and quality of live in these patients at long term.
Research Staff
- Prof. dr. Dominique Benoit: ethical decision-making, hematology
- Prof. dr. Kirsten Colpaert: ICT
- Prof. dr. Johan Decruyenaere: quality of life, ICT
- Prof. dr. Jan De Waele: optimization of antibiotic therapy in severe infections; antibiotic stewardship; antimicrobial resistance
- Prof. dr. Eric Hoste: AKI
- Prof. dr. Pieter Depuydt: hematology, infectiology
- Prof. dr. Sandra Oeyen: quality of life, older patients in the ICU