
To ensure funding and continuation of the facility, acknowledgements are essential as they are used as a measure for the impact of the facility. Here you can find templates for acknowledgements in your publications, on posters or grant proposals.

We offer help with writing the technical details of the experiments performed at the core facility. For help with this, contact us by email.

We ask to include the core facility in acknowledgement. Thank you in advance for thinking of this..

Paragraph for acknowledgements in publications:

Materials and methods: "____________ was performed by the Ghent Light Microscopy (GLiM) CORE at Ghent University (Belgium)"

Acknowledgements: "We thank the Ghent Light Microscopy (GLiM) CORE at Ghent University (Belgium) for the use and support on following microscopy experiments:__________ ”

Acknowledgement on posters/presentations:

Please add our name "Ghent Light Microscopy (GLiM) CORE" and website ""  to your poster or add it on the acknowledgement slide of your presentation. Optionally, our graphical design can be added.