Scientific Python

Improve your scientific programming skills with Python

Python is a nice programming language for scientific programming. Many high quality libraries are available as building block in a wide variety of scientific domains. In this training we will concentrate on the core libraries, and give some examples of domain specific libraries.


  • (Wednesday 16 January 2019 from 9:00 to 16:30)
  • Wednesday 26 June 2019 from 9:00 to 16:30

Topics and Python modules covered

  • multi-dimensional arrays and algorithms on these data structures: numpy
  • methods and algorithms useful for scientific programming, e.g., linear algebra, Fourier transforms, statistics, optimization, root finding, signal processing: scipy
  • symbolic computing: sympy
  • creating many types of plots: matplotlib
  • portable file formats for scientific data: e.g., HDF5
  • image processing: scikit-image


Multimediaroom, building S9, Campus De Sterre, Krijgslaan 281, 9000 Gent

A sandwich lunch will be provided, along with water & coffee/tea, for all registered attendees (free of charge).

Organization and trainer

Course organized by HPC-UGent and Laboratory for Chemical Technology (LCT)

Lecturer is Prof. Geert Jan Bex (UHasselt, VSC)


Follow this link to register for the next session:

This course is currently completely full. Send a mail to if you want to register on the waiting list.

Course prerequisites

Participants have programming experience in Python.

Participants are strongly encouraged:

  • to bring their own laptop, which is able to connect to the WiFi (eduroam)
  • to have an active VSC account and a working public/private ssh key pair

Please follow these instructions to request a VSC account and correctly set up a connection with an ssh key pair

Course material