nov 21
Lezing '(De)colonizing transimperial waters? Horizontal and vertical expansion in the Pacific '
Auditorium Vandenhove, Rozier 1, 9000 Gent
nov 21
Lezing 'Challenges at the borders of Ukraine and Eastern Europe: Security and human rights nexus'
Lokaal 2.1 Faculteitsraadzaal / Faculty Board Room, Emile Braunschool, Campus Aula, Voldersstraat 3, 9000 Gent
nov 21
Happening 'Eureast Student Drink'
Krookcafé, Miriam Makebaplein 1, 9000 Gent
nov 26
Lezing 'De rode markiezin van Gaasbeek. Het antiklerikale netwerk van de Markiezin Arconati-Visconti'
Liberas, Blauwe Zaal, Kramersplein 23, 9000 Gent
nov 26
Exploring the literacy and language practices of student-teachers at a South African university: A stance-taking analysis
Strauss, Stuart
nov 28
Embodied Learning With and From Aikido. A Mixed-Methods Investigation Into Teaching Intercultural Communication Skills for the Workplace.
De Baets, Greet
dec 3
Queer late/r life sex. Women and non-binary people's unruly stories
Looman, Nika
dec 12
Zenza Apprenticeship: Learning, Mentorship, and Resilience on and off Tokyo's yose Stages
Stark, Sarah