What to do after your master?

Further studies

Information on frequently chosen continuation courses can be obtained from your learning track counsellor.

  • Higher Education Register (overview of all accredited Bachelor's and Master's programmes and graduate programmes in Flanders)

Going abroad?

  • Faculty information session on studying/working abroad after your studies on Thursday 2 March 2023 at 11:00 (Blandijnberg 2, faculty boardroom first floor). PowerPoint presentation (in Dutch). Watch the recording (in Dutch via Ufora).
  • 'Welcome abroad' (in Dutch): information session of Ghent University on studying abroad after your studies.

Doctoral research

Faculty information session on Thursday 2 March 2023 at 9:30 (Blandijnberg 2, faculty boardroom first floor). Watch the recording (in Dutch).

  • Content explanation by Kristof De Leemans, policy advisor research (20 min). What is a doctorate? What are the conditions for obtaining a doctorate? What funding opportunities are there? PowerPoint presentation (in Dutch)
  • Testimonial researcher Caroline Van Sumere (Medieval History), since February 2022 working as assistant in the History department (10 min). How did I express my interest for a doctorate? How did I prepare myself for a doctorate? What expectations do I have? What are my first experiences?
  • Testimonial researcher Sven Van Hulle (Spanish linguistics), working within the GOA project "Language Productivity at Work" since October 2019 (10 min). What does doing a doctorate mean to me? What tasks do I perform? Have my expectations been met? What expectations do I have for the future? PowerPoint presentation (in Dutch)

First steps to the labour market

  • Student Career Hub
    • You have no idea how or where to start? The Student Career Hub of Ghent University offers an answer to all your possible questions about your future career and the job search.
  • Ghent University Career Hub
    • Create your personal profile and prepare yourself for the search for your first job. Via the career centre you can see which events can help you on your way and which companies and vacancies suit you.
  • Register as a jobseeker at VDAB (in Dutch)
  • Afstudeerbeurs AUGent: 28 March 2024 (Flanders Expo)
  • H-You workshop for all Ba3 and master's students: 20 March (17:00 - 19:00) in classroom 2.20, Blandijnberg 2.
    Your skills as a ticket to employment. You will discover what you are good at, and how you can make those skills shine through in the workplace. Using a profile test developed specifically for students in a study programme at the faculty of Arts and Philosophy, you will discover what traits, talents and skills set you apart from other students. Please bring your laptop or tablet. Register.
  • Initiatives per study programme:
    • African Languages and Cultures
    • Applied Language Studies
    • East European Languages and Cultures
    • History
      • 9 March 2023 (18:00 - 22:00): graduation fair for historians with a job and continuation courses fair and panel discussions. Register.

    • Linguistics and Literature
      • 23 February 2023 (15:00 - 19:00): information sessions (VDAB, working within the cultural sector, working within education, MTB) and training on job-search skills by Hudson (Rozier 44, classroom 1.3 and 1.4) - register
      • 20 March 2023: graduation fair with different stalls - information will follow
      • Job perspectives (in Dutch)
    • Oriental Languages and Cultures
    • Philosophy and Moral Sciences