Degree ceremony and diploma

Collecting diploma

You will receive your diploma after the degree ceremony and the digital version by mail.

A certificate of achievement can be found on Oasis the day after the marks are announced.

If you are not present at your degree ceremony, you can visit the Registrar's Office afterwards.

Degree ceremony 2023-2024

Wednesday 18 September 2024 at 10:00 - Ufo

  • Master of Arts in African Studies
  • Master of Science in Teaching in African Languages and Cultures
  • Master of Arts in Archaeology
  • Master of Science in Teaching in Archaeology
  • Master of Arts in Art History, Musicology and Theatre Studies
  • Master of Science in Teaching in Art History, Musicology and Theatre Studies
  • Master of Arts in East European Languages and Cultures
  • Master of Science in Teaching in East European Languages and Cultures
  • Master of Arts in Gender and Diversity
  • Master of Arts in History
  • Master of Science in Teaching in History
  • Master of Arts in Oriental Languages and Cultures
  • Master of Science in Teaching in Oriental Languages and Cultures
  • Master of Arts in Moral Sciences
  • Master of Science in Teaching in Moral Sciences
  • Master of Arts in Philosophy
  • Research Master of Arts in Philosophy
  • Master of Science in Teaching in Philosophy


Wednesday 18 September 2024 at 14:30 - Ufo

  • Master of Science in Teaching in Applied Language Studies
  • Master of Arts in Comparative Modern Literature
  • Master of Arts in Historical Linguistics and Literature
  • Master of Arts in Interpreting
  • Master of Arts in Linguistics and Literature
  • Master of Science in Teaching in Linguistics and Literature
  • Master of Arts in Multilingual Business Communication
  • Master of Arts in Multilingual Communication
  • Master of Arts in Translation
  • Master in Technology for Translation and Interpreting
  • Master of Arts in Advanced Studies in Linguistics – Linguistics in a Comparative Perspective
  • Master of Arts in Advanced Studies in Linguistics – Natural Language Processing: Theory and Practice
  • Postgraduate Certificate Complementary International Studies Applied Language Studies
  • Postgraduate Certificate Computer-Assisted Language Mediation
  • Postgraduate Certificate Conference Interpreting
  • Postgraduate Certificate Dutch and Translation