Elective sets

From academic year 2024-2025, we will talk about 'elective sets' instead of 'minors'.

Within many study programmes at our faculty (all bachelor's programmes, except for the study programmes Linguistics and Literature and Applied Language Studies), you have to choose an elective set from the second or third bachelor's year. Elective sets are clusters of course units from a different discipline than your own to develop broader knowledge within your study programme.

An elective set is spread over one or two bachelor years, depending on the study programme you are following.

Every study programme offers a number of elective sets. In general, these elective sets offer advantages in terms of shortening the study duration if you want to obtain an additional degree in the subject of the chosen elective set after your studies.

Guidelines for choosing an elective set

  • The study guide indicates how many ECTS credits of course units you need to take from an elective set and how you should divide them between Bachelor 2 and/or Bachelor 3.
  • Always check the starting competencies of the different course units of the elective set. In case of doubt, contact the lecturer-in-charge.
  • Once you have chose a minor, you stick to it. In principle, you cannot choose (course units from) another elective set in the following academic year. If you want to take another elective set, contact your learning track counsellor.
  • If you fail one or more course units from an elective set, you can take another or the same course units from that elective set in the following academic year.
  • Because the number of ECTS credits per study programme sometimes differs, it is possible that the total number of ECTS credits of your elective set will not be exactly 15, 25 or 30. This is not a problem, as long as you get at least the required number of ECTS credits.
  • It is not allowed to take extra course units. An example: you have to choose an elective set of 15 ECTS credits. You comprise a total of 18 ECTS credits while you have taken one course unit of 3 ECTS credits. You are not allowed to take this extra course unit of 3 ECTS credits because you have already accumulated 15 ECTS credits without this course unit.


Contact the learning track counsellor of your study programme.