Exam schedules
You can consult your individual exam schedule on Oasis under 'my calendar' (left column). If you have any problems in retrieving your exam schedule, please contact the Oasis Helpdesk at helpdesk.oasis@ugent.be.
On the exam schedule you will see the start and end times of the auditorium reservation. The actual end time of the exam, however, is determined by the lecturer and communicated to the students in advance (so it can be earlier than the indicated end time). Oral examinations on campus always take place in the lecturer’s classroom (unless otherwise stated).
In case of overlaps in your exam schedule, apply for a catch-up exam via the ABSENT tool.
Changes in the exam schedules remain possible after the announcement date. Please log back in regularly via Oasis to check whether your individual exam schedule has been changed. Always keep an eye on the announcements on the faculty information site on Ufora.
If you have any questions regarding the exam schedules, please send an email to fsa.lw@ugent.be.
Announcement exam schedules 2024-2025
- first-term examination period: no later than 29 November 2024
- second-term examination period: no later than 21 March 2025
- resit examination period: no later than 16 July 2025