Exam results

After each examination period, your transcript of records/exam results (official term: examination results announcement) will be announced on Oasis (see download transcript of records).

  • first-term examination period: Thursday 6 February 2025 from 17:30
  • second-term examination period: Thursday 3 July 2025 from 17:30
  • resit examination period: Thursday 11 September 2025 from 17:30

Students who graduate in a Master’s programme, an advanced master's programme, a postgraduate programme or a permanent training programme are kindly invited to the degree ceremony.

Step by step: downloading your transcript of records

Next to your deliberation set your transcript of records mentions ‘passed’, ‘not passed’ or ‘no result available’ (in case of incomplete deliberation sets). If it says ‘passed’ and you have course units with a G code on your transcript of records (= you did not obtain 10/20, but you passed after deliberation), you do not have to retake the exam for these course units in the resit examination period (August-September), and of course not in the following academic year.

In case of a missing examination result, you need to contact the lecturer of the course unit in question as soon as possible and ask him/her to email the correct exam result to fsa.lw@ugent.be. For some students studying abroad, not all results have been entered yet, as not all marks have been passed on yet. For questions about this, you can email your International Office Coordinator.