My role as member of the doctoral advisory committee (DBC)

  • As a member of the doctoral advisory committee (DBC), you are responsible for the support and follow-up of the doctoral student throughout the entire study and research period.
  • Together with the doctoral student, the doctoral advisory committee (DBC) is responsible for the individual curriculum of the doctoral training programme. You take into account any stipulations pertaining to the compulsory doctoral training programme. The doctoral advisory committee (DBC) members are also part of the assessment committee that formulates a recommendation on whether or not the curriculum of the doctoral training programme is complete and whether or not the doctoral student in question has acquired everything in it, with the exception of the defence of the dissertation.
  • Based on the doctoral student’s self-reflection report, the doctoral advisory committee (DBC) formulates an annual report on the progress of the research and the doctoral training programme: as a member of the doctoral advisory committee (DBC), you provide your comments and suggestions to the administrative supervisor responsible who incorporates them into a global report that you deliver to the Doctoral School.. This report should explicitly state whether the research offers sufficient doctoral opportunities within a reasonable time span. The doctoral advisory committee (DBC) makes sure that the contents of the report are  the subject of a conversation with the doctoral student, in which any additional arguments of the doctoral student are heard. The Doctoral School delivers the recommendation of the doctoral advisory committee (DBC) to the doctoral student.
  • The doctoral advisory committee (DBC) formulates a recommendation on submitting the dissertation with the Faculty Council. As a member of the doctoral advisory committee (DBC), you provide your recommendation to the administrative supervisor responsible. Read here what to do if you are part of the doctoral advisory committee (DBC) as a supervisor
  • As a member of the doctoral advisory committee (DBC), you are not part of the Examination Board, unless the Faculty Council has explicitly appointed you as a voting member of the Examination Board. This can only be done as an expert, not as chair or rapporteur. Read here what to do if you are also part of the Examination Board