For researchers


  • in the Ghent University Library catalogue:
  • in other catalogues of Belgian academic libraries: Unicat
  • in other catalogues of academic libraries worldwide: Worldcat

Borrowing & reservation

Orders, ILL, trials

Visiting the library

The library as a partner in research

  • Biblio: Ghent University’s academic bibliography
  • Cun-iiif-orm: an interdisciplinary consortium on the disclosure of Old Babylonian clay tablets
  • Datamanagement: how to manage my research data?
  • Digital Humanities: Leerpaden: an online Ufora-course developed by the faculty of Arts and Philosohy. The DH Learning Paths introduce you to a wide range of tools and methods related to digital humanities research.
  • Knowmadic workplace: quiet alcoves in case of stress or to find focus
  • Library Lunches: learn during the lunch break
  • Open Journals UGent: UGent's own open access journals platform
  • Researchtips: a platform with practical tips for research, from Ghent University information professionals
  • Research in Residence: your own laboratory to dive into a specific collection
  • Scantent: borrow this research tool

The library as a partner in education

The Faculty Library Committee

In the report “The network : the reorganisation of library and information services at UGent” Lars Björnshaug describes the primary tasks of the Faculty Library Committee:

  • to give advice to the faculty librarian about the overall profile of the services;
  • to give advice about collection development;
  • to prepare the budget for the faculty library services (be it in one or more libraries) to be discussed and decided upon at the faculty board;
  • to draft a plan for the library services at faculty level;
  • to evaluate the quality of library services.

The Faculty Library Committee of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy is composed of representatives of the various departments, student representatives, a representative for the ATP (administrative and technical staff) and a member of the Book Tower (central library). The reports can be read by any member of the faculty on the Sharepoint site of the Faculty Library Committee.
