MuRJA: Musical Rhythm in Joint Action: psychological and neurophysiological bases for real-time interpersonal synchronization (2019-2020)

MuRJA: Musical Rhythm in Joint Action: psychological and neurophysiological bases for real-time interpersonal synchronization (2019-2020)

The goal of this project is to carry on an interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers in Neuropsychology (Lille Univ.-­‐PSITEC) and Embodied Music Interaction (Ghent Univ.-­‐IPEM). It aims at exploring how interpersonal synchronization strengthens social interaction in healthy and pathological ageing by defining the underlying neural correlates of interpersonal communication. For this purpose, we will implement a behavioural paradigm of rhythmic joint action with electroencephalography (EEG) and functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) recordings using hyper-­‐scanning methods. Since music researchers rarely have sufficient access to patients, and neuroscientists lack custom tools that can support evidence-­‐based research, both partners started cooperation in 2016 with a Hubert-­‐Curien European partnership Program. The PSITEC team has long-­‐standing experience in conducting neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies in patients with neurodegenerative disease. The IPEM team has a strong experience in designing music interaction paradigms and tool development. Previous joint research allowed showing the potential of a new monitoring technology to measure non-­‐verbal behaviour and rhythmic entrainment to auditory stimuli in aging. This project aims at further developing a comprehensive picture of behavioural and neural coordination dynamics in clinical settings. The acquired knowledge will provide the bases for models of rhythmic joint action and orient further music-­‐based interventions in healthy and pathological aging.

Promotor: Marc Leman