Literary Studies Workshop

The Literary Studies Workshop is a lunch initiative aimed at bringing together literary scholars across the different sections and disciplines in the department. At least twice a month, we team up to get to know our colleagues and the areas they work in. Junior and senior researchers meet to discuss papers or articles nearing completion, to listen to presentations of new and ongoing research projects, to provide feedback on funding applications or to collectively reflect on key texts and issues that matter in literary studies today. Occasionally, we also invite guest speakers.

Programme Autumn 2024

(meeting room "Camelot", third floor Blandijn, i.e. 130.007 or online via Teams)


  • 25 October: Carlos Amado Román (Universidad de Extremadura): "Commenting on Achilles Tatius: a rhetor behind the novelist?"
  • 15 November: FWO postdocs feedback session.
  • 22 November: FWO postdocs feedback session (online)
  • 12 December: Denise Brazzale (Université de Fribourg/UGent) – title TBC
  • 3 February: Writing retreat led by Sarah Haas

The workshop is open to all interested scholars. The organizers (Valentina Barrile & Guylian Nemegeer) are always looking forward to new proposals, so do get in touch with about your ideas for new sessions or if you want to be added to the mailing list!