
Voordat een databank aangekocht wordt, doorloopt deze steeds een trial-fase waarin ze door onderzoekers van de faculteit wordt getest.

Databanken die momenteel in trial-fase zitten vind je hieronder. De Facultaire Bibliotheekcommissie beslist na afloop van de trial-fase of de databank al dan niet wordt aangekocht.

Aankoopsuggesties van databanken en technische problemen bij trials:

Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online

  • 05/06/2024 - 05/07/2024
  • The Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online is the culmination of many years’ efforts by over 400 scholars. It constitutes a thoroughly revised expansion of the Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics to encompass the entire history of Greek from Proto-Greek to modern times. The Encyclopedia provides an authoritative and comprehensive treatment of all important aspects of the language in its 3,500-year documented history, offering a systematic overview of the language on all levels and from many different angles and theoretical traditions. About 65% of the content is brand new, while the remaining 35% consists of revised and expanded entries from the Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics.
  • The Encyclopedia is an indispensable research tool for scholars and students in the fields of Greek language and linguistics, general and Indo-European linguistics, Biblical literature, and related fields. Its features and benefits include:
    • Full Text Search, advanced search options
    • Extensive cross-references
    • Navigation via hyperlinks
    • Detailed subject and author indices
    • Articles covering a wide range of topics such as the Greek of various sources (texts, manuscripts, inscriptions, reading traditions), major grammatical features (phonology, morphology, and syntax), lexicon, script, and paleography
    • Various theoretical linguistic approaches, such as computational linguistics, history of translation and reception, and influence on western languages
    • Interactions between linguistics and other related disciplines, such as philology, mythology, religion, culture, and poetics
  • When completed in 2025, the Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics will comprise 800 main entries with over 1,400 subentries in a total of about 3 million words.