Transferable Skills Seminars

Seminars in Transferable Skills (co-)organised by the Doctoral Schools

Communication skills

Subject / Course Title


Competencies as defined in the competency matrix for PhD students*

Academic Posters


3 and 10 December 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

Communication (IS)

Advanced Academic English Conference Skills

13 February until 7 May 2024


Communication, Teamwork, International & cross-cultural mindset (IS)

Advanced Academic English Writing Skills

First and second semester Academic Year 2024-2025

Communication (IS)

Effective Slides

17 and 24 October 2024 (ONLINE)

5 and 12 December 2024 (ONLINE)

Communication (IS)

English Proficiency for Presentations


3 until 24 October 2024 (ON CAMPUS) 

Communication (IS)

How to deal with media and journalists as a researcher

27 May and 3 June 2024
Communication, International & cross-cultural mindset (IS)
How to get published

19 and 26 September 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

14 and 21 November 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

Communication (IS)

Ethics and integrity (PR)

Intercultural communication: Meet people, not cultures & practice communication styles

1 and 8 February 2024 (ON CAMPUS) Communication, International & cross-cultural mindset (IS)

Intercultural competences: navigating foreign academic cultures

27 June 2024 (ON CAMPUS) Communication, International & cross-cultural mindset (IS)

Popular scientific writing: reach readers outside of academic walls

15 and 22 April 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

Communication, Teamwork, International & cross-cultural mindset (IS)

Community engagement (PR)

Let's talk science

2-4 July 2024

Research management (EX)

Project management (CT)

Ethics and integrity (PR)

Critical and analytical skills (CT)

Communication (IS)

Presentation Skills

3 until 24 October 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

22 November until 13 December 2024 (ONLINE)

Communication, International & cross-cultural mindset (IS)

Scientific Presentation Skills

10 and 17 December 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

Communication, Teamwork (IS)

Creating scientific visuals

8 and 15 November 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

Communication (IS)

Turning research data into powerful visuals

6, 13 and 20 December 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

Communication (IS)

Writing Academic papers

Fall 2024

Communication (IS)

Writer Development Course

12 and 13 September and 4 November 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

16 and 18 October and 5 November 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

Personal Effectiveness (PL)

Communication (IS)

Study week Mathematics for Industry 2024

This course counts as two Transferable Skills Seminars: cluster "Communication Skills" and "Research and Valorization"

9-13 September 2024

Communication (IS)

Critical and analytical skills (CT)

*Every competency corresponds to a skill cluster: EX: Expertise; CT: Critical Thinking; PL: Professional Leadership; IS: Interpersonal Skills; PR: Professionalism

Leadership & Personal efficiency

Subject / Course Title


Competencies as defined in the competency matrix for PhD students*

Building a positive communication culture

Dates 2024 to be announced

Informal leadership, Personal effectiveness (PL)

Communication, Teamwork (IS)

Negotiation skills

13 November and 4 December 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

Informal leadership, Personal effectiveness (PL)

Communication, Teamwork (IS)

Conflict management

9 and 16 December 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

Informal leadership, Personal effectiveness (PL)

Communication, Teamwork (IS)

Female Brain Power

17 and 18 April 2023
Informal leadership, Career development, Personal effectiveness (PL)

Grow to lead

7, 8 and 25 October, 5 and 20 November 2024

Informal leadership, Personal effectiveness (PL)

Grow your network: from the perfect pitch to lasting relations

9 and 23 October 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

Personal effectiveness (PL)

International & cross-cultural mindset (IS)

Grow your personal brand

4 October 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

Informal leadership, Career development, Personal effectiveness (PL)

Handling your fear of failure

3 and 10 October 2024

14 and 21 November 2024

Personal effectiveness (PL)

Meeting skills 16 September 2024

Personal effectiveness (PL)

Teamwork (IS)

Personal effectiveness

October 2024 (ONLINE)

November 2024 (ONLINE)

January 2025 (ONLINE)

Project management (CT)

Personal effectiveness (PL)

Stress and resilience for researchers

20 November and 12 December 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

Personal effectiveness (PL)

What does it mean to be a researcher in 21st century academia

Dates 2024 to be announced

Career development, Personal effectiveness (PL)

*Every competency corresponds to a skill cluster: EX: Expertise; CT: Critical Thinking; PL: Professional Leadership; IS: Interpersonal Skills; PR: Professionalism

Research & Valorization 

Subject / Course Title


Competencies as defined in the competency matrix for PhD students*

Data manipulation, visualisation and analysis in Python

29 and 31 January and 2 February 2024

Critical and analytical skills (CT)

EEG Methods seminar series

19 October 2023 & 31 May 2024

Critical and analytical skills (CT)

Faculty of Law and Criminology Research Training Program: how to conduct excellent research in law and criminology**

Each academic year

Research management (EX)

Project management (CT)

Ethics and integrity (PR)

Communication (IS)

Methodological aspects of research and societal outreach in public health and primary care


October 2023- June 2024

Research management (EX)

Project management (CT)

Ethics and integrity (PR)

Communication (IS)

Research methods on hard-to-reach and vulnerable populations

21 and 28 February 2024

Research management (EX)

Ethics and integrity (PR)

GDPR in research 

16 October 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

Research management (EX)

Critical and analytical skills (CT)

Ethics and integrity (PR)

Comon Make-a-Ton. From theory to product, using design thinking and rapid prototyping in transdisciplinary teams

2-5 April 2024

Research management (EX)

Project management (CT)

Critical and analytical skills (CT)

Communication (IS)

Personal effectiveness (PL)

Next-level searching for scientific information

April- December 2023

Research management (EX)

Project management (CT)

Personal effectiveness (PL)

Research Data management: a practical course

November 2024

Research management (EX)

Project management (CT)

Ethics and integrity (PR)

Speed Reading

15 and 29 October 2024 (AM)

15 and 29 October 2024 (PM)

13 and 27 November 2024 (AM)

13 and 27 November 2024 (PM)


Critical and analytical skills (CT)

Personal effectiveness (PL)

LISa-team tutor March - April 2024

Communication (IS)

Research management (EX)

Project management (CT)

Personal effectiveness (PL)

A starter’s guide to socio-economic impact of research

21 and 28 November 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

Communication (IS)

Research management (EX)

Ethics and integrity (PR)

Map making for linguists in QGIS

* You have to participate in both the Basic Skills and Advanced Skills programme if you want to add this course as a specialist course to your curriculum. If you want to add it as a transferable skills seminar, then you only participate in the Basic skills programme.

21 or 22-23 May 2024

Research management (EX)

PhD Day 2024 of the Belgian Mathematical Society

24 May 2024

Communication (IS)

Science for Policy Training

28 May and 13 June 2024

Communication (IS)

Engaged Learning: Community Engagement in Higher Education Institutions

10 and 17 June 2024

Communication, Teamwork, International & cross-cultural mindset (IS)

How to evaluate and review scientific papers in health sciences research?

Second semester 2024

Critical and analytical skills (CT)

Communication (IS)

Design of experiments (DOE)

19–20 September 2024

Critical and analytical skills (CT)

Study week Mathematics for Industry 2024

This course counts as two Transferable Skills Seminars: cluster "Communication Skills" and "Research and Valorization"

9-13 September 2024

Communication (IS)

Critical and analytical skills (CT)

Process Control and Optimization 15 October 2024


Critical and analytical skills (CT)

*Every competency corresponds to a skill cluster: EX: Expertise; CT: Critical Thinking; PL: Professional Leadership; IS: Interpersonal Skills; PR: Professionalism

** + Communication skills

Career management

Subject / Course Title


Competencies as defined in the competency matrix for PhD students*

Applying for a post-PhD job 

11 - 25 June 2024 (ON CAMPUS)

21 August - 4 September 2024 (ONLINE)

28 November - 12 December 2024

Personal effectiveness, Career development (PL)

Communication (IS)

Expedition DO! (counts as specialist course + 1 transferable skills seminar)

March - October 2023

Innovation & creativity (CT)

Teamwork (IS)

Career development (PR)

Dealing with challenges, setbacks and confidence

21 and 23-25 October 2024 (ONLINE)

10 and 11-13 December 2024 (ONLINE)

Personal effectiveness (PL)

Creative thinking 

5-8 November 2024 (ONLINE)

Critical & analytical skills,  Innovation & creativity (CT)

Personal effectiveness (PL)

From PhD to SME: a 1-year leadership programme developed by VOKA***  

From March 2024 to November 2024

Career development (PL)

From the definition of a realistic career plan to an effective job search strategy

Dates 2024 to be announced Informal leadership, Career development (PL)

FWO Postdoc Grant Writing

October and November 2024

Specialised knowledge (EX)

Project management (CT)

Career development (PL)

Interuniversity Job Market for Young Researchers

February-March 2024

Informal leadership, Career development (PL)
Job Shadowing for PhD candidates and postdocs

Dates 2024 to be announced

Career development (PL)

Knowledge for growth

15-16 May 2024

Informal leadership, Career development (PL)

Communication (IS)

Interactive Career Day Life Sciences @ Johnson & Johnson

22 May 2024

Informal leadership, Career development (PL)

Communication (IS)

PhD Innovation Café

February - May 2024

Informal leadership, Career development (PL)

Communication (IS)

Preparing for an international career

10 and 11 October 2024

Informal leadership, Career development (PL)

Communication, International & cross-cultural mindset (IS)

Ethics and integrity, Community engagement (PR)

Making it count: a field guide for exploring (post-)PhD life with a doctorate in the Humanities

19 February 2024

Career development (PL)

Project management

14 and 21 October, 18 November and 2 December 2024

Project management (CT)

Informal leadership (PL)

Communication (IS)

Belgian Service Research Day – 10th edition: Paving the Way for a Journey as Service Scholar

19 April 2024

Career development (PL)

Ethics and integrity, Community engagement (PR)

Personal effectiveness (PL)

*Every competency corresponds to a skill cluster: EX: Expertise; CT: Critical Thinking; PL: Professional Leadership; IS: Interpersonal Skills; PR: Professionalism

*** + Communication skills + Leadership & Personal efficiency

Selection of other courses (AfR)

The courses listed below are organised by third parties and are not part of the Doctoral Schools own course offer, but they have been approved by the Doctoral Schools board of Directors. You can include them in your Doctoral Training Programme by submitting an application for recognition (AfR) .

Subject/Course title Academic Year/Dates Organiser Registration Cluster
Mind the GAP - submit your certificate of completion through our application for recognition (AfR)

2023-2024 VLIR

Ufora course

Research & Valorization

Scientific writing and publishing

2023-2024 Nature Masterclasses


Communication skills

Effective collaboration in research

2023-2024 Nature Masterclasses


Career Management

Managing research data

2023-2024 Nature Masterclasses


Research and Valorization

Narrative tools for researchers

2023-2024 Nature Masterclasses


Communication skills
Persuasive Grant Writing

2023-2024 Nature Masterclasses


Career Management
Networking for researchers 2023-2024 Nature Masterclasses


Leadership and personal efficiency
Advancing Your Scientific Presentations 2023-2024 Nature Masterclasses


Communication skills
Data Analysis: Planning and Preparing

2023-2024 Nature Masterclasses


Research & Valorization
Data Analysis: Conducting and Troubleshooting 2023-2024 Nature Masterclasses


Research & Valorization

Focus on peer review

2023-2024 Nature Masterclasses


Research & Valorization

Writing a research paper

2023-2024 Nature Masterclasses


Research & Valorization

Knowledge to Connect

2023-2024 KCGG


Research & Valorization

Module 1 - Inleiding tot SPSS (Dutch)

2023-2024 IPVW (ICES)


Research & Valorization

Module 2 - Getting Started with R Software for Data Analysis



Research & Valorization

Module 9 - Getting Started with NVivo for Qualitative Data Analysis

2023-2024 IPVW (ICES)


Research & Valorization
Co-supervise the Global Engagement Module, a challenge-based, interdisciplinary ENLIGHT course 2023-2024 UGent, ENLIGHT Organiser Career Management
Courses & training in AI 2023-2024 Flemish AI Academy (VAIA) Organiser Research & Valorization (if minimum conditions are met & AfR is approved)
Online Onderwijstraject voor Assistenten (in Dutch) 2023-2024 Office for Educational Quality Control Search for the course title in the UTOP course catalogue. Career management
Online Learning Track for Assistants (OLTA) (in English) 2023-2024 Office for Educational Quality Control Search for the course title in the UTOP course catalogue. Career management

Flames Summer School

This summer school counts as one Transferable Skills Seminar, irrespective of the number of modules that were followed. 

9-20 September 2024 FLAMES Organiser Research & Valorization
SPSS for Beginners 2023-2024 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Qualitative Data Analysis with NVivo 2023-2024 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Essentials of Qualitative Research Design - ONLINE 2023-2024 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

Introduction to R 

2023-2024 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

Theory Construction in Qualitative Research 

2023-2024 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

Statistical modeling using R 

2023-2024 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

Quality assessment in qualitative research 

2023-2024 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Introduction to Python for statistical data analysis 2023-2024 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

Basic concepts of clustering techniques for data science 

2023-2024 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Introduction to Graphics using R 2023-2024 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Data wrangling & tidying with Tidyverse - online 2023-2024 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Photovoice: the use of participatory photography in qualitative research - online 2023-2024 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

Module 6 - Leverage your R Skills: Data Wrangling & Plotting with Tidyverse

December 18, 19 & 21, 2023, from 1 pm to 4 pm. IPVW IPVW Research & Valorization

Process and evaluation studies 

2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

Intervision session for advanced PhD students 

2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

De-identification and anonymisation of personal data 

2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

Intervision session for starting PhD students (qualitative research)

2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

Design and Analysis of Observational Studies 

2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

Developing interview questions and basic interview skills 

2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

Digital ethnography 

2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

Data visualization with R Shiny 

2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

An introduction to writing qualitative research papers for publication in academic journals 

2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

Critical Discourse Analysis 

2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

Causality in qualitative research 

2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Communication skills

Interviews (basic) 

2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

Creative with interviews 

2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Global classroom arts-based research


2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Introduction to statistical data analysis 2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Exploratory data analysis R - online 2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Focus Groups (online) 2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Writing up your findings – the principles of getting your work published 2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Introduction to JMP 2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Missing data methods 2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Focus Groups 2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Data Wrangling and Visualisation with R Tidyverse-On Campus 2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Graphics in R - on campus 2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Ethnographic research and observational methods - ONLINE 2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Introduction to Big Data Processing - Online 2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization
Digital ethnography 2022-2023 FLAMES FLAMES Research & Valorization

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