Media Transformation and Platformisation


The media landscape is in the midst of a poly-crisis. Emerging technologies like augmented reality and artificial intelligence, along with shifting media usage patterns are not just challenging but fundamentally disrupting the business models of traditional media organisations. In this upheaval, global tech platforms including social media and streaming services are becoming the primary gatekeepers, significantly influencing how audiences access, select, consume and engage with news, information and entertainment. Amid accelerating internationalisation and geopolitical tensions, governments and media regulators are struggling how to respond effectively to this growing platformisation of media industries, raising concerns about the long-term sustainability of domestic media organisations. A comprehensive understanding of this complex and evolving ecosystem, as well as the mechanisms driving this poly-crisis, is crucial for media businesses as well as policymakers to successfully navigate these turbulent times.


It is imec-mict's mission to empower people in a digital society. One focus of research is to deeply understand the long-term evolution of the media landscape. We systematically monitor shifts in the media ecosystem, identify emerging trends in media consumption, experience and distribution, develop future scenarios to help stakeholders navigate both change and continuity. By placing ‘new’ developments within broader, historical context, we provide insights that not only predict future shifts but also guide media organizations and policymakers in addressing ongoing and forthcoming challenges in the media landscape.

Research topics

At imec-mict, we: 

  • Analyse how people discover, select and engage with cross-media in a high-choice environment.
  • Understand the impact of internationalisation and platformisation on the media industries.
  • Assess business strategies and policy measures designed to address the challenges of internationalisation and platformisation.
  • Identify structural shifts within the media landscape and uncover the mechanisms driving these changes.
  • Develop scenarios and futures for the future media landscape.


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