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Research group for Media, Innovation and Contemporary Technologies
Research projects
Research projects
Research projects
Below you can find our current research projects:
CoGhent - CoGhent explores next-generation interfaces for cultural participation and neighborhood social cohesion
Comon - Comon explores new technological solutions to wicked urban problems. It is a collective effort of Ghent University, the City of Ghent and imec to explore co-creative, experiment-driven collaborations between a wide variety of urban actors
COM-PRESS - Detection tool for manipulated images
Cyber Dating Abuse - Towards a clear conceptualisation and examination of a heart-breaking online phenomenon
Digimeter - Measuring media/technology usage and expectations in Flanders
DISCONNECT - Digital Wellbeing in a Culture of Ubiquitous Connectivity: Towards a Dynamic Pathway Model
ExperienceDNA - User Experience Measurement in Virtual Smart Spaces
ExperienceDNA: Framework and applications - Creation of a digital framework and measurement protocol to simulate and capture user interactions
Gemeente Zonder Gemeentehuis - Towards digital solutions for citizen participation
IN2FOOD - Resolving a Societal Challenge: Interdisciplinary Approach Towards Fostering Collaborative Innovation in Food Waste Management
Knowledge Center for Data & Society - Societal acceptance of AI
Living in a digital age - Investigating the determinants and consequences of lacking ICT access and skills
Mediapunt - Knowledge Centre for Media Research
Mobile DNA - Application that shows your smartphone usage
NUDGE - NUDging consumers towards enerGy Efficiency through behavioral science
OSLO - Open Standards for Linking Organizations
SCAFFOLD - ePortfolios to scaffold workplace learning in health education
Social factors and risk behavior - Untangling the relationships between the online and offline world
SolidLab Flanders - Investigating and facilitating the use of personal data pods
Solid4Media - Living lab for Solid-based media in Flanders
Urbanage - Urbanage explores and experiments with new Digital Twin technology to enhance urban planning processes that improve older citizens’ quality of life
VRT Chair - Media in a Society in Transition
Below you can find a few of our recent finished projects :
AI-CS BAROMETER - Monitoring the state of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cyber Security (CS) within Flemish companies
BESOCIAL - towards a sustainable social media archiving strategy for Belgium
Calibrain VR - How can we build individual profiles that help interpret a person's psychophysiological output with minimal to no extra calibration/baselining
Coca Cola smartlabel
DNBchallenge - The position of the Flemish data utility company in the market
Daiquiri - Data & Artificial intelligence for Quantified Reporting in sports
DITUR - Digital Twins for Upscaled Retrofits
EBSI - European Blockchain Service Infrastructure
Expertgaze - The use of modern-day technology to optimize training and on-the-job support
Hello Jenny - City of People / Slim in de stad
HIER-OS - Exploring the possibilities of conversational interfaces to fight social isolation among senior citizens
Icosy2.0 - fieldtest
Illuminate - Interactive streaming and representation for totally immersive applications
IoT Chef -IoT technology to create a connected cooking system
LBLOD - Local decisions as linked open data
LOREM 4.0 - Cognitive load in the workplace
MM+M - Fossil free neighborhoods Muide-Meulestede + Mariakerke
Multistakeholder evaluation telenet essential internet - Connecting vulnerable people to the internet and measuring their ICT skills
NewsDNA - Diversity in the News thourgh Algorithmization
Operator Knowledge - Automated creation of digital assembly instructions by operator driven knowledge capturing
POPHARS – Drugs at the festivals: Perceptions of prevention-, harm reduction-, care-, and law enforcement strategies
Radar-based hand-gesture recognition - Mid-air hand-gesture recognition using a 140Ghz radar sensor
ROLECS - Roll out of local energy communities
SenseCity - Respond faster and more accurate to calamities
Smart Collaboration Assistant - Emergency training in extended reality via collaborative learning
Stressy - Stress in the City
TBM Ivision - Game-based therapy for children with cerebral visual impairment
The Future of Video Consumption - How does video consumption change among young media consumers
TMaaS - Traffic Management as a Service
Valence - VR-enabled manufacturing for ergonomics
VLOCA - Flemish Open City Architecture
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