eGov Monitor - Development of a monitor to measure the progress of e-government in Belgium


More and more public services are being provided to citizens and businesses through electronic channels. There is a need for meaningful insights into the progress of e-government with a view to policy preparation and implementation. The gathering of data regarding the conditions for the creation, quality, distribution and usage of electronic services in Belgium is of great importance in this regard. The MICT research group advises the Fedict federal government department regarding the design and implementation of this e-government monitor. The aim of this eGov Monitor is to be a long-term instrument for the Belgian policy of computerising both government and society.

This project is being financed through the AGORA programme of the Belgian Federal Science Policy Agency. This programme aims to develop official, federal socio-economic data in order to make possible its better usage in the government bodies that have it, for scientific research and for the provision of better information to the general public.

Duration of the project

The project runs from 01/11/2008 - 30/11/2009.

Staff involved

  • Prof. dr. Pieter Verdegem
  • Jeroen Stragier


  • ICT & Society

Financed by

  • Federal government