Teleclassing - Immersive classroom experience for tele-education


The Teleclassing project aims to investigate how existing telepresence applications can be extended to much more complex environments such as auditoriums and classrooms. The ultimate aim is the creation of an immersive environment in which lecturers/teachers and audiences/students obtain as ‘normal’ a sense of communication as possible on both sides. Research into the important factors (audio, video and interaction) which will create this sense of reality is a central feature of the project, as well as the implementation of the required architecture. The MICT will play a major part in this project by carrying out ‘experience research’ among users.

Duration of the project

The project runs from 01/01/2008 - 31/12/2009.

Staff involved

  • Prof. dr. Pieter Verdegem
  • Evelien De Waele-De Guchtenaere
  • dr. Laurence Hauttekeete
  • Tom Evens


  • Media Use & Experience

Financed by

  • iMinds