Charter to tools
This project examines how the ICOMOS Ename Charter principles can be used to develop "interpretation and presentation'-tools within an integrated and sustainable heritage policy and aimed at the specific context of maritime and marine heritage.
The ICOMOS Ename Charter provides the basic objectives and principles for the interpretation and presentation of sites and sees them as integral part of heritage conservation. The charter also contributes to a broad public appreciation for cultural heritage sites. This is done by considering heritage sites as places and resources for the study and the reflection on the past and as valuable resources for sustainable community development.
Within this project we wish to operationalize the ICOMOS Ename Charter to the context of 'wet', maritime or marine heritage, taking into account all contextual factors that are linked to it. Maritime heritage includes several aspects that are seldom approached together. Anyone who tells a story about maritime heritage, must take into account these different contexts: there are not only ships but also the shipyards, the archaeological sites and the museums where the oldest vessels are displayed. The domain is complex. Yet the story about maritime heritage becomes really fascinating when we can tell it from that complexity.
Duration of the project
The project runs from 01/02/2010 - 30/04/2010.
Staff involved
- dr. Laurence Hauttekeete
- dr. Peter Mechant
- Media Production & Distribution
- ICT & Society
Financed by
- Contract research