- Coxo
- GScan 2 - Analyzing instrument to screen municipalities on their GIS-operation and -organization
- Little sister - Low-cost monitoring for care
- Seenspire
- Unite
- Webinos - Secure web operating system application delivery environment
- Posi & friends
- Veltion
- AllThingsTalk - Internet-of-Things cloud platform
- Crowdfunding social innovation (Special Olympics 2014)
- iCinema - Mobile–public screen interactive cinema
- Media ID - A next generation federated identity management solution for a regional ecosystem of media providers
- Wanagogo - An online 3D and multi-device game environment
- ASPRO+ - AutoStereoscopic multi-view video PROcessing and PROjection
- AIVIE - Augmented immersive-video-based interactive environments
- CoPlaSM - Multi-standard communication platform for smart metering
- e-Strips - Building a digital e-Strips platform: from creation to selling
- Levenslijn II City jam - Follow-up the development of the traffic safety game
- MISTRAL - Managing Internet video STReaming through Adaptation and Learning
- Open data - An experimental open data platform for Flanders
- VIAA living lab case
- Cityzen
- Flowrooms
- Library for the future
- Mediawijs - Knowledge centre for media literacy
- NeoScores - Play app for scores
- Agenda setting in a networked public sphere
- Exploring gendered play
- Serious games under the microscope
- SPECIFI - Smart platforms enabling the creative industries for the future internet
- Evaluation of Flanders’ Game Policy
- BCC - Measuring Cost and Impact of Cybercrime in Belgium