

Veltion, a spin-off of Ghent University, focuses on lean manufacturing methods. They improve the production processes of companies. Veltion started a Living Lab research in collaboration with iMinds-iLab.o, funded by an "KMO dienstenportefeuille” of the Agentschap Ondernemen.


Veltion noted that a lot of companies still use analog methods to capture the problems in their production lines. This leads to inefficiencies since it is harder to manage this. Furthermore the involvement declines after a certain period while the goal is to use this for a longer period of time (e.g. continuous improvement).

Innovation goal

Veltion wants to introduce a digital tools that replaces this analog approach. In that way it should be possible to increase the productivity while reducing the production costs. Everyone is involved in improving the production process since the information is available to all the stakeholders.


The goal of this research trajectory is to improve the tool and to get an overview of the needs and wants of the different users. By means of an environmental scan and a co-creationesession, we take a look at the current market environment and the global opinions of the end users towards this concept. A field trial will be held to get further in-depth insights in the wants and needs of the end users. Since this is a B2B application, there are a lot of stakeholders involved, this increases the need of user research.

In this research, MICT will be facilitating the interaction with the end-user. By means of the Living Lab methodology the concept is developed in an iterative way. Since this is an B2B application, it is also necessary to involve the different actors in the research process in order to avoid resistance during the diffusion of this innovation. Through inside in the current 'habits & practices’ of companies their process innovation and the 'needs and wants' of the so-called ' change agents ', the application can be tailored to meet the needs of the market.

Duration of the project

The project runs from 01/01/2013 - 30/10/2013.

Staff involved

  • Dimitri Schuurman
  • Constantijn Seys


  • ICT & Society

Financed by

  • Other