- La Liga broadcasting rights
- AllThingsTalk Cloudplatform B2B
- FTTH – Value Added Services
- Proximus Living Lab in Residence
- Talentdepo - Matching students for a student job with potential employers
- Postbuzz2 - an online platform which makes it more easy to communicate with people in your neighbourhood
- VRT Stakeholder Consultation
- wE-move - An exergaming platform for rehabilitation and movement exercises for children
- Shift-TV - Multi-screen Place and Time Shifted Television
- Planidoo - Planning tool for cities and communities
- iFEST – improved Festival Experience with wearable Sensor Technology
- VIAA exchange platform
- SPOTSHOP - On-the spot e-commerce for televesion
- Local decisions as linked open data - LBLOD
- OVAM - Develop an online service in which companies can easily see if their materials are raw or waste materials
- Project page ShiftTV iMinds
- NowYu - an intermediary to exchange personal data with companies in exchange for specific rewards
- Maddle - A mobile solution that allows companies to optimize their career page
- A dual learning system for different types of education levels
- Info Flanders - a comprehensive approach for service processes for Flemish citizens
- Musebooks - a demo system to create PDF's of an art book or catalog and save it
- Motosmarty - analyzing the driving behavior of people and generates personalized feedback to improve driving behavior
- Cascade - a platform to help people making a good informed decision when buying products
- Towards Responsible e-Gambling: Assessing the Perceived Opportunities and Risks Associated with Digital Gambling
- Genscom - Happiedays
- COMBUST - Combining Multi-trUst BusinesS data
- Mapping flow experience by electroencephalography (EEG) dynamics and connectivity
- HD²R - Highly Delightful Dynamic Range for Next Generation Digital Cinema and Television
- OTN - OpenTransportNet - Spatially Referenced Data Hubs for Innovation in the Transport Sector
- PrevenD: Cognitive control training to prevent recurrent depression
- Inquiry to the Political Economy of Audiovisual Distribution