COMBUST - Combining Multi-trUst BusinesS data


Combust (Combining Multi-Trust Business Data) will build a new knowledge platform based on existing and new data sources. High-tech tools for efficient data management with a focus on data integration and reliability will be developed. In addition, Combust will map the effectiveness of Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) and will explore related opportunities, business and revenue models.

Combust wants to simplify the process of data integration and enrichment and will develop a new toolset for automatic knowledge acquisition. Combust will devote special attention to the reliability and quality of data sets. Next to this, Combust will also focus on the business framework that will be built on the Combust data platform and will explore different market opportunities and business models to achieve a sustainable DaaS model. The developed tools will be tested and validated in the City of Things living lab that is set up in the framework of the FIWARE program of the European Commission.

Duration of the project

The project runs from 01/01/2015 - 01/01/2017.

Staff involved

dr. Peter Mechant
Mathias Van Compernolle

Financed by
