Talentdepo - Matching students for a student job with potential employers


Talentdepo is an innovation that matches students that look for a student job with potential employers. Based on the availability of the students they can see jobs that are available in their environment or they can be contacted by the employer. Within this Living Lab, MICT is involved in the user research.  By means of two co-creation sessions we first will explore the current needs and frustrations of end-users regarding applying for a student job and their feedback on Talentdepo. Based on these results the application will be further developed and interviews with employers will be held to see how Talentdepo can be used for employers and which functionalities are of importance to them. At the end of the user research an evaluative co-creation session will be conducted with people that tested Talentdepo in order to get more in-depth feedback about the app and how it can be optimized.  


The project runs from January 2015 – December 2015

Staff involved

  • Annabel Georges
  • dr. Dimitri Schuurman

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