iPlay - Interactive sports platform for comprehensive, 3D monitoring of athletes
imec ICON
Stakeholder mapping
User testing
Gamified experiences
How can the ability to sense and track a wide variety of metrics transform the sports and fitness sector?
The iPlay project aims to take this trend to the next level by developing an interactive sports platform composed of sensors that enable full-body, high-quality 3D body motion detection. This in-depth feedback will be used to generate more engaging fitness experiences and increase health rehabilitation outcomes.
We at imec-mict-UGent are doing stakeholder mapping, experiments to determine the influence of technical parameters (i.e. full system latency and pixel pitch) and final user testing (with fully operational system).
Partners: Barco, DAE Studios, Evertech-Belgium, RS Scan International, Recreational Systems Europe, Howest - Digital Arts & Entertainment; Image Processing and Interpretation (IPI) - Ghent University; Faculteit Bewegings- en Revalidatiewetenschappen (FaBeR) - KU Leuven
Project Duration: 04/01/2017 - 31/03/2019
Contact: Lieven De Marez