Promise - Preserving online multiple information: towards a Belgian strategy

Federal project
Policy advice
User research
State-of-the art

How to develop a federal strategy for the preservation of the Belgian web?

Today, the notion of a ‘publication’ has widened and has found its own place in the digital world. As is the case for print publications, the preservation of which is guaranteed by legal deposit, a long-term preservation policy needs to be developed for the web.

During the two-year project a research team will draft a selection policy for the websites that need to be archived, propose a legal framework to determine the roles and responsibilities of the state archives and Royal Library of Belgium (KBR) and develop a prototype web-archive that will be tested and evaluated by a panel of users.

We at imec-mict-UGent are doing user research, requirements setting, state-of-the art analysis and evaluation.


Partners: Royal Library of Belgium (KBR), Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities, Research Centre in Information, Law and Society (Namur), University College Bruxelles-Brabant.

Project Duration: 01/06/2017 - 30/06/2019


Contact: Lieven De Marez
