Living in a digital age: Investigating the determinants and consequences of lacking ICT access and skills
ICT access and skills
Digital inequality
Digital difficulties
Vulnerable people
This project aims to investigate the determinants and consequences of lacking ICT access and skills. More specifically, imec-mict-UGent will investigate which Belgians lack ICT access and skills in order to use the internet for essential matters (such as searching for a job or finding information on your health insurance online), as well as how people cope with problems they experience in ICT use. The second research aim is to assess whether lacking ICT access and skills is associated with negative emotions, such as feelings of shame, stress or anxiety, which may result into impaired well-being on the long term. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods will be employed.
Based on the results of this project, we will make recommendations to the government to improve the ICT access and skills of as many Belgians as possible.
Funding: BOF-UGent
Duration: October 2018 - September 2022
Contact: Prof. Koen Ponnet, Sarah Anrijs