MM+M - Fossil free neighborhoods Muide-Meulestede + Mariakerke

Ghent climate neutral city
Low carbon technologies
User barriers and drivers
Communication recommendations

How can we persuade citizens to invest in low carbon technologies?

To realize the European, Flemish and Ghent climate ambitions, we must now start to make neighborhoods fossil free (Climate Neutral Europe 2050, Ghent Climate Neutral City). Ghent already has experience in stimulating renovation. Now we want to take the next step to districts heated without fossil fuels. For this we need new methods so that we can get a wide range of stakeholders in the renovation story and convince them to invest.

We at imec-mict-UGent are doing research to examine barriers and drivers to adopt to low carbon technologies. In order to give recommendations on how to overcome these barriers and facilitate drivers in communication. This by translating insights in to new digital tools and providing input for the long term transition strategy.  


Partners: Stad Gent, Center for Persuasive Communication (CEPEC) - Ghent University, EnerGhentIC - Ghent University

Project Duration: 01/01/2019 - 31/12/2020


Contact: Lieven De Marez