LoREM 4.0 - Cognitive load in the workplace: measurement and remediation of overload during assembly work in Industry 4.0

Cognitive load
EEG/EOG analysis
Industry 4.0

How to identify cognitive (over)load in an industry assembly context?

Exploring the validity of physiological cognitive load measures in industrial assembly contexts and how such measures can help in remediating cognitive load. This project aims to identify robust and reliable markers of cognitive (over)load. Validated tasks will be used to simulate industrial assembly performance for different complexity levels, while cognitive load will be measured with psychophysiological measures (EEG, EOG, GSR, facial expressions) and subjective feedback. This way, the project will also help in validating and optimizing imec hardware (EEG headset and Chill Band).

We at imec-mict-UGent are setting up experiments for data-collection, performing advanced EEG/EOG analysis, integration of sensor data, writing reports on identifying the most optimal set-up.


Partners: imec-ITEC-KULeuven, Mariasteen

Project Duration: 01/10/2019 - 31/12/2019


Contact: Lieven De Marez

Lorem 4.0